How to improve your military move

How to improve your military move

Moving your family and all of your personal possessions because of a permanent change of station is an event that sooner or later is encountered by all families in the military.  Whether you are thrilled by the news of the move or have a somewhat less enthusiastic response, there are a number of things that both members of the service and their families can do prior to relocation that will improve the entire experience.  Being aware of the regulations and thus able to plan accordingly is something that can make all the difference.

One good tip I recommend is to visit the Personal Property Office.  Once you get your new orders, you should call the Personal Property Office and make an appointment.  Prior to attending this appointment you should also do some research in order to make sure that you get the most from your session, even if you have moved with your family before, as no two moves are ever precisely the same as one another.  Factors such as changes in your personal circumstances, military regulations or your new duty station could have a big impact on your move.

Personal Property Offices have materials available to help you with your research.  One very good resource, which explains the basic entitlements and responsibilities inherent in a military move, is the It’s Your Move pamphlet.  This is also available online on a number of different sites, including LIFELines.

Rick Wozniak