How to Involve the Family on Moving Day

How to Involve the Family on Moving Day

The key to a successful relocation that is carried out with the minimum amount of stress is planning, which is something that becomes even more important if young children are involved.  There are a number of good tips that can be very helpful for those who want their moving day to go with as few tears and tantrums as possible.  Everyone is under a certain amount of stress during a move, including the children.  Getting organized for a move is not just about packing up all your possessions into boxes; it is also about making sure that all members of the family are prepared for the kind of changes that come with the process.  It can be difficult to manage this transition given all the hectic activity that relocation invariably seems to involve, but it can be done.

There are a number of things that can be done both before and on the day of the move to make the experience go much more smoothly for all concerned.  One good tip is to clean up.  Take a few minutes to get your children’s toys sorted out – without turning their environment completely upside down – and sell any they no longer use at a garage sale or on a classifieds website.  This is also an excellent method of recovering some of your investment and avoiding having to relocate items that neither you nor your children have any further need or use for.

It is important to plan the essentials.  You should get together all items that you are going to need in the days leading up to the move and make sure they are kept easily accessible.  Do not forget your child’s favorite toy and toothbrushes for the whole family, and be certain that you have the equipment you will need on moving day such as gloves, dollies, adhesive tape, tools and straps.  Costs can be kept down by looking at second-hand equipment.

Involve your children in the relocation process so that they feel a part of it.  They might be able to help to identify their boxes with stickers or drawings, or help to pack their own items.  It is also crucial to know when the time has come to call in a professional moving company.  Whether you hire professionals or get your friends and family members to assist with your relocation, do not forget snacks and music to keep everybody’s spirits up.

On moving day itself boxes and items of furniture should be placed in the right room in both your current and new home.  Your old place should be left in reasonable order; if you do not have much time to clean up you should focus primarily on the main rooms, such as the bathroom, the kitchen and the bedrooms.  The ideal situation would be to have earlier prepared a box that includes all the cleaning equipment you will need, such as a vacuum cleaner, cleaning products and rags.  Children can help with simple tasks on moving day.