How to move overseas with a pet

People who want to take their pets with them when they move overseas need to be prepared for the amount of work that will be involved.  Many countries have extremely strict regulations with regard to importing an animal and you therefore need a solid grasp of everything that the process will entail.

The first thing you need to do is to find out if it is possible to take your pet with you on your overseas move.  Different countries have different rules with regard to the importation of live animals, and these rules can also be dependent on the country you are moving from.  In some countries some species of cats and dogs are allowed while others are not.  Finding out if your pet will be allowed to move to your new country is the first thing you should do.

If you have a new place of residence already lined up in the country you are making a move to, you need to find out if you are allowed to have a pet living with you there.  Apartments and condominiums usually have a policy of no pets; therefore, this needs to be checked before anything else.

For a pet to be imported, the great majority of countries will insist on a stringent series of medical procedures.  Each stage needs to be timed with great accuracy or there could be extra costs and headaches down the line.  Most countries will insist on a rabies vaccination, microchip implant and blood tests.
