Important advice when moving with pets

Important advice when moving with pets

When the time comes to move, pretty much everyone involved is going to feel a certain degree of stress.  This includes your pets, as they have no understanding of what is going on when they suddenly find themselves surrounded by packing tape and cardboard boxes.  Fortunately there are some helpful tips that can assist you with making the move as smooth as possible for you furry friends.

One good tip is to try to separate your pet from the chaos of relocation as much as you can.  Pets can feel extremely vulnerable when strangers suddenly invade their territory and begin carting away familiar things.  On the day of the move, find a room that is well ventilated – such as a bathroom – and let your pet stay in there for the majority of the time.  Lock the door if possible and fix a sign to the door making it clear that there is a pet inside and that it should not be disturbed.  An alternative option might be to look into day pet care at a local kennel.  Another good piece of advice is to make use of a crate whenever and wherever you can; try to get your pet acclimatized to the crate before moving day.  Although many dogs may already be used to being in a kennel and have a reasonably active social life, the restricted environment is likely to go down extremely poorly with cats.  Ensure that the kennel is fitted with soft blankets and that your pet can explore it prior to the arrival of the professional moving company.

Make sure that you get a copy of your vet’s records for your pet and that tags and vaccinations are all up to date.  In the event that your pet is currently on any prescription medications, get a refill before commencing with the move.  These medications, along with pet food, should be packed and kept in a convenient place together with other essentials for moving day such as toilet paper and paper towels.  Make sure that you have enough pet food in for several days and that your pet bowls are easy to locate after your move.

You should check out your new neighborhood and see if there are any local dogs that appear to be unattended.  Rehearse the paths you intend to walk with your dog and ensure that backyard fencing will stop your pet from getting out of your property.  It is important to allow some time to pass in order for your pet to fully settle into their new home.  Unfamiliar space can be overwhelming to animals at first; therefore, let them acclimate to one room at a time as they become comfortable in their new environment.  Some doors should be kept closed until your pet feels confident that the new home is safe.  Watch out for open external doors and windows; this is particularly important if you have a cat, as they are notorious for running away after a move.
