Is it Time to Move?

Is it Time to Move?

Have you been bitten by the moving bug?  If you’ve got the itch to relocate, how do you know that it is actually the right time to move?  In order to ensure that you are making the right decision to relocate you should base your move on clear objectives.  Here are some factors that may help you know when it is time to move.


If you are getting ready to retire, perhaps you want to move to a warmer, sunnier location.  But, before you do move, you should consider all of your options.  It is a good idea to investigate healthcare services, medical insurance, and cost of living.  You may also want to try a long-term vacation to see if the new location is a good fit.  Just remember, retirement means a major change in your lifestyle.

Company Transfer

Today’s economy has made it very common for companies to cut overhead costs.  Part of this may involve a company or office move.  The result is that more and more employees are relocating with their families for their jobs.  If this opportunity comes up for you, take a step back before agreeing to move.  Think about your career, your children, and if relocation is ideal for you.

A Change of Pace

Sometimes, it is the right time to move simply because you want to follow your dream or want a change of pace.  Think about new cities that have all the things you like to do and consider moving there.  Make a list, take a trip, and weigh your options.

– Lance Grooms