Short distance moves tend to be harder. It may not appear so at first, but a lot of individuals who move a short distance tend to think it will be easier because you are able to make multiple trips. Unfortunately, this is what will make it harder. Short moves tend to be underestimated because of the thought that it is easier and perhaps fewer checklists are needed. In moving long distance you cannot forget what you want to move. There is rarely an opportunity to go back for it. It is why many people tend to pay more attention to the details of a long distance move.
Do not get caught by this and instead realize the limitations that a short distance move has. First of all it takes more gas to continue going back and forth between the two places. You will actually spend less to rent a truck big enough to fit all of your boxes and furniture.
Prepare those checklists of what to pack first and what needs to be packed at the last minute, and make certain to leave time for cleaning the old place. Do not let yourself get caught in multiple trip moves. You will not only spend more, but also feel more tired. Fatigue will set in because you will get the vehicles loaded, move it, unload it, get back in the car, and start all over again. With a large enough truck you just load it all at once and unload it all at once.
Lance Grooms