Making a Claim for Damage During a Military Move

Making a Claim for Damage During a Military Move

When you are making a military move you may find that some of your possessions are damaged and if you have followed military procedures to organize you move then these items will be covered with full replacement value.  Check your possessions as they arrive at your new home and report any damage to the moving company.  There is a specific form for this – DD Form 1840.  If you only spot the damage later you can use DD Form 1840R but this must be done within 75 days.

The resulting claim will be made directly to the moving company and this is done using form DD Form 1844.  When you have your pre-move counselling appointment you will be given the information on making a claim.

It should be noted that if you do make a claim against your mover they have the right to see the damaged items. It may be that an offer is made to repair the item if this is possible.  You can also make a claim for items that go missing during your military house move.  If a repair is possible the moving company will have to get the quotes for this as they are responsible for ensuring it is done.

The Military Claims Office is your next port of call if the claim is denied, the moving company does not respond or if you feel the offer that has been made is unreasonable.  The Military Claims Office will attempt to claim FRV from the mover where possible.