Making military moving less of an ordeal

Making military moving less of an ordeal

Moving is one of the most stressful events of our lives and given that military families make much more frequent moves than is generally the case with civilian families, it stands to reason that they would be under a good deal more stress.  The good news, however, is that military moving can be made less of an ordeal by taking into account a few simple tips.

One very good tip is to have a good understanding of the city or town to which you will be making a military move.  This will make you a lot more comfortable both to start with and in the long term, and can help you to decide which military housing rentals you want to look at.

There are more than two million military children in the United States, 60% of whom are of school age.  When you are looking for a new military home to move to, you need to know if the local schools are going to be adequate to provide your children with a good education.  Even childless families might need to take this into consideration in case their situation changes in the future.  Make sure you do some research on the schools in your new area to decide whether you want to live in military housing on the base or in a military rental home off-base.

Another good tip is to talk to other military families already stationed at the base you are moving to to get their opinions and perspectives.
