Managing your office move

Managing your office move

Moving your office can be a complicated process and it is therefore a very good idea to break the relocation down into different stages to make certain that the transition is achieved with the relevant planning and as little hassle as possible.

Before you begin looking for a new site for your office you should take the time to have your project planned out, including creating a timeline for the move, consulting and budgeting with your colleagues and other staff members with regard to the current and future needs of your company, and engaging the services of a professional designer to handle a spatial analysis to ensure that the office you move to will be of sufficient size.

You should research and take a look at all of your options, as well as taking photographs in order to inspire members of staff.  The layouts of possible options should be compared with your current office space in order to make an impartial assessment.  Make sure that you have enough leeway to be able to alter your plans during this period; however, be cautious when it comes to ascertaining the costs and quality associated with such alterations and the potential disadvantages of having to have your business conform to the layout of another company.

When it comes to design choices, it is very important to get all the relevant information about the different functions of various services that are related to the task, such as drafting and design services.  This can also be a good time to review your existing office furniture.
