Military moving tips

Military moving tips

Frequent moves are a natural part of the military lifestyle and this constant relocation can either be a trying ordeal or a positive experience for the military families undertaking them.  Preparation is the key to making a successful military move.

Without completing the necessary research, military families can sometimes have to move more often than they would otherwise need to because they choose a district that does not cater for their child’s educational needs, and sometimes a second move might be necessary to reduce the amount of commuting between work and home.  Extra moves can serve to further disrupt normal family life and add additional stress that can be avoided by doing the necessary research beforehand.

It is a good idea to have a financial plan in place with breathing room for any unexpected expenses that might occur at some point during the process of making a military move.  One of the most frequently used tools at the military website Military OneSource is the option to ‘plan my move’.  This tool enables people to create a calendar that they can tailor to their individual circumstances, including any pets or young children accompanying them on their relocation.

Military families about to undertake their first military move should consult with the relocation manager at the family center on their current installation, as relocation managers can provide more personal guidance than military websites.
