Military relocation tricks and tips

Military relocation tricks and tips

Families in the military usually move many more times that the average civilian family, which makes it all the more important for them to know about all the tricks and tips that can make the relocation process easier to handle.  Fortunately there are a variety of cool tips that could really help out in this situation, especially if the family is making its first military move.

Be sure to take everything off the walls, and then keep these items together.  Boxes should be labeled with the room they came from and will go into in the new home, such as the dining room or kitchen.  Pack up the numerous items in your kitchen; you may have to use paper plates and other disposable products for a few days or weeks, but this is better than leaving all the packing until the last possible moment.

The children’s rooms should be packed up, with just a few toys left out for them to play with until the move.  Also make sure that you have packed suitcases full of clothes for all the family, with everything else packed in boxes.  Towels can be used to wrap breakable items such as vases.

Bedding can be packed in the dresser of the bedroom that it belongs to.  Clean clothes can be placed into giant zip lock bags with dryer sheets, which help the clothes to remain reasonably folded and clean and to prevent them from acquiring a cardboard box smell during the relocation.
