Moving or preparing to move in the spring

Moving or preparing to move in the spring

The months that make up the summer season in the southern states of the United States can be particularly brutal.  Increased humidity and soaring temperatures can result in the creation of a volatile atmosphere that can be genuinely dangerous, particularly for residents who already have fragile immune systems or difficulties with their respiratory systems.  If it is looking likely that you will be making a move to a new home some time during the course of the year, you would be much better off doing this during the spring months rather than putting it off and then having to relocate during a time when energy-sapping heat all but envelops the entire region for a number of weeks.

One of the biggest reasons why a lot of people wait until the summer months to make a move is because their children will be on break from school and thus they will not have to cope with the disruption that moving can cause while they are in the middle of their studies.  Even if you still decide that moving in the summer is the best idea, there is no reason why you can’t begin the process of packing before the end of the school term.  You should pack up as many of your possessions as you can without disrupting your daily life during the cooler months of spring, including the goods in your spare bedroom, mementos, and winter items such as holiday decorations.

You can also make use of the months of springtime to clean out the attic, cellar and garage, and perhaps even hold a garage sale during this time.  Any items that you do not sell can be donated to charity long before the actual day of the move arrives.  The more items that you can sell, donate to charity, throw away or get fully packed up before the arrival of summer, the less hard work you will have to do in the midst of soaring temperatures.  This will also mean that when the school year does come to a close, you will need a lot less time to finish the packing process and you will be able to commence with the relocation a good deal more quickly than if you had waited for school to end before starting your preparation.

On the other hand, if you do not have any children and are therefore not at the mercy of the educational calendar and have nothing else that impinges on your freedom and ability to move at whatever time you wish, it makes absolute sense to ensure that your relocation takes place during the months prior to the arrival of summer while the weather is cooler and a lot more pleasant.  Nothing is more fitting than to begin a new era in your life at the exact same point in the year that Mother Nature is also undergoing a new start with the rituals of springtime.
