Moving tips for spring

Moving tips for spring

When you are thinking of making a move, one trap that you should avoid falling into is hiring the services of a supposedly professional moving company that does not have a bricks and mortar address in your local area.  You should also avoid any moving companies that do not inspect your home and contents before the move and that make use of generic rented trucks.

It is not difficult to find a professional moving company with a good reputation and solid track record.   The American Moving & Storage Association and the Better Business Bureau are both excellent resources to make use of in order to find a moving company that will be worth the money you spend.

You should make contact with the moving company of your choice as early as you possibly can before the move.  The great majority of moving companies will reach capacity in the spring and summer months. Therefore, it is a good idea to get in touch with them at least six weeks prior to relocation in order to make sure that you will be able to book them on the date you want to move.

Before the day of the move arrives you need to rid yourself of any items that you longer need or want.   Giving items away to a charity or holding a garage sale are good ways to get rid of unwanted items and cut down on the amount of possessions you will have to pay to transport to your new home.
