Moving to Indiana?

Moving to Indiana?

A little over 30 miles from Chicago – and just across the state line – is the city of Gary, Indiana. This is a city on a much smaller scale but it could still be a great destination for your relocation to Indiana if you want to live somewhere with a lakeside location.

The population of this city is just over 80,000, with the population dropping in recent years due to a number of people moving away for college and work. Unemployment here is far higher than the national average and the area has seen large losses when it comes to industry; however, the number of jobs in the area has increased by 2.6% in the last year and there is a positive outlook, with new investment in the area.

The average property price in Gary is far less than in many other areas; however, prices have risen and there are signs that this will continue to be the case. One of the reasons for the low property prices is that many people have moved away, leaving properties empty, but with more jobs becoming available this situation could soon be very different.

The good news is that there is a lower than average cost of living here and moving to Gary, Indiana could be good for your bank balance.

When it comes to schools, the average spend per student is only slightly less than the national average and the ratio of students to teachers is less than 18.