Not Sure What to Do Before the Movers Come? Here’s A Checklist to Make Sure Yo …

Not Sure What to Do Before the Movers Come? Here’s A Checklist to Make Sure Yo …

Hiring professional movers comes with many benefits. In order to capitalize on this moving day advantage, it’s important to be ready and have your home prepared prior to the movers arriving. Here is a quick checklist to go over the morning of your move to make sure you’re ready for professional movers to do the hard work for you.

Label Your Boxes

The first thing you should do is label your moving boxes if you haven’t already. This should be done during the packing process to ensure everything is organized properly. This also allows movers to place the boxes in the appropriate rooms once at the new house.

Send the Kids and Animals to A Babysitter

Little ones and animals will slow down the moving process significantly. Arrange a babysitter for both your kids and pets prior to the movers arriving so they can get started right away.

Protect the Floors

As your belongings get moved from your home to the moving truck, there will be plenty of trekking in and out. Protect your floors by laying down non-stick mats and decrease the amount of cleaning you’ll have to do prior to closing the front doors for one last time.

Measure the Doors

If you have some extra time, measure the doors and jot down the information. It’ll be handy for the professional movers to know the dimensions. If you anticipate some difficulties maneuvering large pieces of furniture through doors, consider removing them from the hinges for the time being.

Prepare Your Furniture

If you intend on using moving blankets or wrapping your furniture in packing materials, now is the time to do so. When the movers arrive, everything should be ready for them to grab your belongings and pack them into the moving truck.

Separate the Items Professional Movers Can’t Transport

By law, there are some items professionals’ movers can’t transport. From hazardous materials to specific plant types and some others, this is something you want to be aware of. Once you’re aware of the items you have to move yourself, you should separate them from the other contents.

Remove Artwork from Walls

You may have large artwork you intend on moving as is. Remove them from the wall so movers can easily grab them. However, it’s recommended to wrap artwork in protective layers to ensure they arrive at your new home in the same condition. So, you may want to do this step way ahead of time.

Unplug Everything

From cell phone chargers to major appliances, it’s important to unplug everything. When the movers are lifting heavy items, being snagged back by a plug still in the wall could result in injury. So, unplug everything. Even if the major appliances aren’t making the move, they should still be unplugged.

Start Cleaning

You’ll be surprised at how much cleaning needs to be done on moving day. As you’re waiting for the movers, get an early start by tackling little cleaning tasks. Scrub down the countertops, vacuum the empty rooms, and wash out the cupboards.

Say Goodbye to Your Neighbors

Lastly, take a trip over to your neighbors and say your farewells. While you may plan on visiting them soon, it could be longer than expected depending on how busy you are once you arrive at your new home.

As your current home becomes empty, double check every room to make sure nothing is being left behind. If you do find something, you can squeeze it into the moving truck before it heads over to your new place.