Moving an office means more than just relocating physical objects from one place to another for a network administrator or IT consultant. The IT staff of a business need to be included in the planning of the move from between four to six weeks prior to it happening in order to make certain that the relocation is able to go as smoothly as possible.
There are several things that have to be taken into consideration from an IT standpoint when a business makes a move into a new office space. The first thing that needs to be kept in mind is the current technology needs of the company. The network infrastructure made use of by the previous tenants might not be sufficient for the needs of your company, and the entire space might need to be rewired.
Something else that needs to be considered is the future infrastructure and technology needs of the company. Particular attention needs to be paid to the location of data and voice network jacks and electrical outlets in your new office space.
If you do not have detailed plans and schematics, measure each room in the new location carefully before the move and make a diagram of all areas and rooms. A lot of time and money can be saved by being aware of the layout of the infrastructure, particularly existing phone and network outlets and power outlets. Having extra access points and network wiring running to currently unused areas will be a lot cheaper than expanding at a later point.