Official paperwork required for a PCS move

Official paperwork required for a PCS move

Making a military move can often be more complicated than an ordinary house move, as when you are given PCS orders you need to make sure that you have the relevant paperwork and documentation in place. What you need will depend upon where you are going, but here are a few things you are likely to need to take into consideration.

You need to make sure that you have birth certificates for all members of the family to hand. If your PCS move is to a base abroad then you may also need to have vaccinations and the paperwork to support this. You and your spouse will also need to have your marriage certificate to hand.

Any military ID cards will need to be available for inspection, along with the military PCS orders that you have been given.

For a military relocation abroad, you will also need to make sure that you have the right paperwork for your pets in place if you are taking them with you. The international regulations for moving pets to another country will still apply even if you are in the military; therefore, you will need pet passports and proof that you have met all the immunization requirements. In some areas you may need to be prepared for your pets to spend time in quarantine.

A military move might also mean that you need to have a power of attorney in place. If your spouse is already serving abroad and you have been left to deal with the move then you need to have legal paperwork to show that you have the right to make decisions on his/her behalf.