Packing and moving children’s toys

Packing and moving children’s toys

As with every room, your children’s rooms will need a good sort out when you are packing up to move home. This is a good time to get rid of any toys and games that are broken, have bits missing, or are simply no longer played with.

For the most part packing children’s toys is fairly easy. Most toys are built to withstand a lot of wear and tear and you may not need as much padding material as you would with other items; however, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration. Does your child like to paint? You need to make sure that paints are packed into bags and then put into plastic containers ‒ cardboard may not be sufficient if anything leaks and you want to avoid damage to your other possessions when moving house.

When it comes to games, make sure that all the pieces are in the relevant boxes and that the boxes are taped up to prevent anything from becoming lost in transit. If you have delicate items, make sure the boxes they are in are adequate and that you have plenty of bubble wrap or other padding to protect these items during the move.

If your children are old enough, you can involve them in the packing process. In this way they know exactly what is happening and do not feel left out when the moving company arrives to load everything onto the truck.