Are you getting ready to move to college for the first time? If so, this...
Pet-Friendly Dorms Make Moving to College Easier
Moving away to college can be an emotional, exciting, and scary time for first-time students,...
Tips for student packing
If you are planning to head off to college, you need to have a good...
Moving company storage for students
Imagine the scene ‒ you are finishing at college for the summer and need to...
Tips for moving to college
Moving to college is an exciting time for all students, until you actually stop and...
Moving to graduate school
Graduate students often need to move in order to complete a doctoral or master’s program. ...
Why college students are staying at home
Pew Research economist Richard Fry recently released a report that revealed that as many as...
When students need to move
College students often move on several different occasions during the course of their college days. ...
It’s not a dorm
Students at Northern Illinois University began moving into the New Residence Hall there on Thursday. ...
Best places for college graduates to move
New college graduates have a daunting time ahead of them. Many college graduates would like...