Tips for a PCS claim

Tips for a PCS claim

The vast majority of people making a military move will never need to make a PCS claim; however, if things do get damaged during your military house move then you will need to know what steps to take if you have to make a claim.

The first step in any military move is to be on good terms with your move manager. This is the person who either inspected or arranged the inspection of your goods and would also have been the person who let you know that your packers/movers had left the house; in addition, this person would have ensured that you knew when your goods had reached their new home or when they had been placed in storage.

This person is an important point of contact during your military move and is particularly important if anything goes wrong; however, you need to remember that he/she has not personally caused any damage and that they are there to help you.

Your first step in making a PCS claim is to talk to your move manager. Explain what has happened and what damage has been sustained and they will be able to connect you to an adjuster. Make sure that you are also polite to the adjuster. You may be frustrated and angry about the damage; however, the adjuster is there to help you to get the situation sorted and the calmer you are, the easier this will be.