Tips for making a military move

Tips for making a military move

Life in the military is, of course, stressful enough at the best of times, so adding relocation into the mix is always going to add even more stress.  The good news is that as an active member of the military you have a number of options and a good deal of help available to you to make sure that any move will go as smoothly and as cheaply as possible.

Once the relocation has been confirmed, the first thing you should do is to pay a visit to the closest relocation office.  Those who work in the office are there to assist you and it is a good idea to take full advantage of their knowledge and experience.  They will be able to help you to plan your move, work out what allowances you may be entitled to, and they will have a lot of other resources at their disposal that could be of assistance to you.

There are a number of allowances for military relocation that you might be able to take advantage of, whether the move is within the United States or overseas, though you should of course check with your installations finance office in order to verify that you are eligible. Your installation’s housing office is another good source.  The staff there will be able to find you a good government home, work out your housing allowances, and even find temporary lodging and local community housing at your new location.

Rick Wozniak