Tips for military moves

Tips for military moves

The average military move takes around two and a half months of planning, packing, unpacking and readjusting to a new environment.  Given that military families will move many times in their lives, it is important that they are aware of a few facts related to military relocation.

It is crucial to realize that military relocation is never the same twice.  Every military move is different from the last in a variety of different ways, such as CONUS/OCUNUS, personally procured move/movers, pets, children, sea/shore command, TDY schools, culture and weather.  The sooner you accept and embrace all the differences, the happier you will be.

It is also important to plan.  Make sure you have not just a plan A but also a plan B, C and even D in place for your move.  Print out a calendar as soon as you get notification of the upcoming relocation, attach it to a wall with painters tape, color code the tasks assigned to you or your partner, and write all appointments related to the military move in capital letters.  Make certain that you leave time for farewell events with friends and family members.

It is also a good idea to remember that the only thing you have control over in life and in moving is yourself.  You choose to live life in the military every day and while you cannot control the minor annoyances that regular moving brings, you can control your attitude towards it.

Rick Wozniak