Tips for moving to a homestead

Tips for moving to a homestead

When you have found and successfully purchased a new homestead, the fun part really begins – the relocation process itself.  You will probably need to have a good purge of unnecessary items before making such a move and there are a number of other tips than can be of great help during this time.

One good tip is to make good use of your bulk trash days, particularly when it comes to battered pieces of furniture.  Making the most of bulk trash days means that you will not have to spend time taking things to the dump or have to pay good money to have such items hauled away.

Room measurements should be taken during the home inspection, as then you can start playing around with layouts.  Planning out where you can put your furniture in your new home before you move will enable you to make the most of the efficiency of the professional moving company that you have engaged.

Make a list of everything that you are going to need to get rid of prior to relocation, including batteries, medicines, paint and paint thinner.  To avoid the incorrect disposal of household items, research any take-back programs that may be operating in your local community.

Your local liquor store can also be a good place to visit during the relocation process, as such stores tend to have plenty of sturdy boxes that they are usually happy to give away for free.
