Top 5 Tips When Your Furniture Doesn’t Fit

Top 5 Tips When Your Furniture Doesn’t Fit

You’ve just moved to your new place and are super excited to see how your furniture is going to look! You start unpacking and putting this in place and realize that some of your furniture isn’t going to fit in its designated rooms. Don’t panic we got 5 tips to help you figure it out.

Have Your First Garage Sale

You’ve always wanted to have one and now is your chance! You’ve tried everything and either it still doesn’t work or you’ve decided to bite the bullet and get the new sofa that you’ve been eyeing.

A garage sale is a great way of making some extra cash to help fund your new purchase and help you get rid of a few things that you no longer have space for or no longer need. So put up the signs make a list of the things you would like to sell and start your new furniture fund!

Rearrange the Furniture

This is the easiest and the least costly of all the options. You had it all planned out, where each piece was going, what it was going to look like, but you forgot to measure how far the arms come out and now it’s not looking like you thought it would.

It’s okay, it might not be perfect but you can rearrange the furniture in another way to make it all fit and work or rearrange the room it’s going in. It’s not what you wanted but it will work and let you come up with another plan in the meantime.

Hire Professionals

You thought you could do it yourself, I mean it wasn’t a lot of stuff, but you can’t get it through the door. I know it’s not what you want to hear but I think it’s time to accept defeat and hire a professional like BMS Moving & Storage.

Sometimes it’s just easier to get a professional to help you. They know the different angles needed to get it through the door, or if the door needs to come off the hinges, or if the door frame needs to be taken out. It will make your life easier and ensure the job gets done.

Time to go shopping

You’ve tried all our tips listed above and have decided that there nothing else that can be done. It’s okay you get to pick a new piece to match your new place!

What you thought it was going to look like and what it ended up looking like didn’t work out. You’ve decided to hold the garage sale and sell the old piece and now you get to find a new one that is going to fit your new space beautifully.

Rent a Storage Space

You don’t want to sell it but it doesn’t fit in the space as you envisioned or it just didn’t fit through the door.

While you figure out what exactly you want to do with your furniture rent a storage space to keep it safe and secure.  The storage space also allows you to store some extra stuff that you didn’t have space for or no longer worked in your new space.