Use credit cards when stationed in a foreign country

Use credit cards when stationed in a foreign country

Using a credit card can be the easiest and the safest method of buying things and carrying currency when the military has sent you to an overseas duty station.  Banks take many precautions to evade credit card fraud and any sudden changes in your spending could cause your account to be flagged or your transactions suspended until verified by your credit card issuer.

In order to prevent this inconvenient situation from arising and ensure that your card is still honored in the foreign country that you have made a military move to, you need to know how to make smart use of your credit cards while you are on this overseas assignment.  The first thing you should do is to let your credit card provider know that you will be using your card abroad.

Credit cards are a good deal safer than using ATMs because of the extra security precautions, including purchase protection.  You will be able to use your credit card in an ATM most of the time should you need to, but you can save money by instead charging purchases.  Provided that you can ensure that you are disciplined with your record keeping and have a good financial plan, taking your credit card overseas with you when you move will enable you to spend money safely and without any difficulties.

Another good tip is to pick a universal card.  You need to be certain that your credit card will actually work in your new theater of operations and it is therefore better to stick to cards that are widely accepted throughout most of the world, such as MasterCard and Visa.
