Venice is sinking after all

Venice is sinking after all

Venice is a city of love. Perhaps this is because it takes boats to move around the canals to all of the historic buildings that exist.  Perhaps it is because of the history itself that makes it a city of wonder.  Thousands visit Venice each year to see the amazing city, but thousands more may need to relocate due to the most recent findings.

Scientifically speaking, Venice is sinking.  Scientists have studied the city for years to make certain the buildings will not fall, sink, or become damaged.  Engineers are often going in to shore up some of the buildings that are in danger of collapsing right into the sea.  For a short time scientists felt the watermarks on the buildings were getting higher due to rising sea levels.  There is conclusive evidence that the sea levels are rising due to global warming and ice melt.  Unfortunately, the theory has a small error in that the water rising is not the only issue.  Venice is not as stable as it has been in the past.  According to studies, Venice is slowly sinking and tilting to the east.

In 20 years Venice will sink about 80 millimeters, or 3.2 inches.  This puts the city of romance at 2mm to 3mm each year with regards to sinking.  Italians living in Venice may want to relocate now to save themselves the issues that may come later.  The buildings on the canals, such as the hotels, businesses, and private homes, are all going to suffer the most.  Any building around the canals or lagoons will definitely be seen as sinking.  The head scientist believes that Venice has not been as stable as the last decade seemed to show.

Floods will increase in Venice.  It means that the four or five times a year residents walk on wooden planks to stay above the floodwaters will increase.  For those who want to visit the city, now may be a great time.  Even a move to Venice for a half-year or year could be a great opportunity, but as the next decade becomes closer to ending the potential of the city sinking further and further is greater.  There may be more natural disasters and rescues needed.

The scientists are warning Venice residents that relocation may be their best option now, while they can.  Real estate is going to start turning to devaluation for buildings closer to the canals.  This is yet another reason that a move now could be the best choice.  The only other option is that the government works to create barriers and stop the erosion and sinking that is occurring, by blocking much of the rising water.  Several places around the world have created manmade islands and towns on top of the water, but there are always the constant issues of shoring up what exists for fear that it will one day return to ocean or water rather than land.  A move from Venice could be the better option for residents than waiting for a solution.

Lance Grooms