What and when to pack

What and when to pack

Packing boxesWhen you are moving house you may think that it is simply a case of putting everything into boxes and going; however, the whole packing process can take a couple of months all in. If you do not want to be too stressed about your move, here are some tips for the correct way to go about the process.

The first thing you should pack is out of season items. What qualifies as out of season? A good example is your clothes. If you are moving house in summer then your winter clothes have probably been put away. Start by putting your winter clothes into boxes and then you can move on to any sporting equipment. If your sporting activities take place in a certain season, there is no point leaving equipment out if you are not using it. Get it packed away and reduce the amount of items you have to pack nearer to the time of the move.

Next on your house move packing list is the items you do not use very often; for example, you may have a large CD collection. Do you listen to all your CDs regularly? You will probably find that there are plenty that can be put away without you even noticing that they have gone.

The possessions that you need to leave until the day before your house move are the items that you use most often, such as your kitchen utensils and appliances. Most kitchen items will be used regularly and you would miss them if they were boxed up for several weeks beforehand.
