Why are people moving to Texas?

Why are people moving to Texas?

The figures speak for themselves – of the top ten fastest growing cities in the US, half are located in Texas. This means that plenty of people are opting to move to Texas, but why is this?

Houston, San Antonio and Austin all feature on the list of the fastest-growing cities and they do have plenty to offer new residents. Add to this a growing population in Dallas and Fort Worth and you have a state that is seeing a population explosion. One of the main reasons why people want to move to Texas is that there are plenty of employment opportunities. Everyone needs work ‒ if it can be found in Texas, why stay somewhere else? Opportunities are available in the gas and oil industries as well as manufacturing, business and technology services.

The second point is that it is actually cheaper to live in Texas than it is to live in many other places. Some people may hanker after the glamour of places such as New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, but the cost of living there is far higher than in cities such as Houston.

This next point is a major one – the cost of housing. Land is cheaper in Texas than in many other areas and it is much easier to get a building permit, which makes it easier to create the home of your dreams in Texas than in other states. Texas survived the housing crash thanks to the way it regulates its housing industry.

Many people are attracted to living in Texas due to its low personal taxation. There is no personal state income tax to pay here and this means that everyone takes home more from their paycheck than they would elsewhere. Having this extra cash to hand means that you can afford a better lifestyle for your family.

The family-friendly features of Texas are another big draw. Restaurants are often geared to families and there are plenty of good schools in all areas of the state. Increased investment in schools also means that they can continue to improve.

Some people consider relocating to Texas for the laid-back lifestyle. The people are welcoming and friendly and the lack of pretension is attractive to many who have tried living in more glamorous places and found it too much. People might not dream about moving to Texas, but once they have tried it they have found that they like it.

The fact is that Texas is not simply attracting people who live out of the state to begin with but also the people who already live there do not want to leave. This is something that is very important – Texas must be doing something right for people to want to stay.

Making the decision to move to another state is not easy and it is important to consider all the facts before the decision is made; however, it seems that Texas has plenty to offer people who want to make this change.                  

Author:  Lance Grooms