Working as a Nurse in Massachusetts

Working as a Nurse in Massachusetts

As we learned a few weeks ago on National Nurse’s Day, there is an apparent shortage of nurses across the United States.  This is especially so in the state of Massachusetts.  So, if you are a nurse, your career may actually prosper when you move to Massachusetts.

There are a number of prestigious schools, universities, and colleges that offer nursing programs throughout the state.  If people aren’t moving to Massachusetts to work as a nurse, they are relocating to the state to attend nursing school.  While it takes a lot of work to obtain a nursing license, it is well worth it in the long run.

In order to work as a nurse in Massachusetts, you definitely need a valid and current license issued by the state’s Board of Registration in Nursing.  If you are already a nurse and plan to move to Massachusetts, your certification must meet the state’s requirements or you may be required to pass the boards again.

Working as a nurse is a fulfilling profession, and in Massachusetts nurses may join MARN.  MARN is the Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses and is an organization committed to advancing professional nurses and the quality of patient care across the state.  If you are moving to Massachusetts and are a nurse, you may want to consider joining MARN for help finding work, learning about best practices, and perhaps even continuing your education.

Katie Steil