Your options when a move falls through

Your options when a move falls through

Moves often fall through for various reasons and if this situation occurs, the key is not to panic.  There are a number of suggestions that can help you to cope with this unexpected change in plans.

If your move has fallen through but you are still going to have to leave your current home, you might want to think about short-term rental options.  This will be particularly applicable to you should your current abode have already been sold or your rental agreement terminated.  Ask your estate agent if he or she is aware of any short-term rental options, which can range from as long as a year to as little as three months.

Depending on when you had scheduled your relocation for, one option you might have is subletting.  A lot of students sublet apartments for one semester at a time or over the summer, and this can be a very good option to choose if you want a short term rental.  Corporate housing is another possibility.  It is somewhat more expensive but could be precisely what you want, with the majority of such properties being fully furnished and coming with parking and weekly cleaning services.

It is a good idea to talk to your friends, colleagues and neighbors.  Although you are unlikely to want to stay with friends of family members in the long term, they can be an excellent resource when it comes to your short-term needs until you find alternative accommodation.
