3 Ways to Boost Your Curb Appeal

3 Ways to Boost Your Curb Appeal

Boosting Curb AppealIt doesn’t matter whether you are selling your home and moving away or just want to make your home look a little better; we’ve got a few tips for boosting your curb appeal.  Following these tips will definitely garner some attention from passers-by.

First of all, what is curb appeal?  It is how appealing your home is from the outside, and this is very important when you are selling or renting your home.  The house could be as beautiful as can be inside, but if it looks like a pile of junk on the outside, no one will want to move in.

#1 – Spruce Up Your Mailbox

Believe it or not, more people will notice an improved mailbox than just your mailman!  With something as simple as a fresh coat of paint or getting a whole new setup, a new mailbox will definitely make a difference.  Go for an eye-catching spring color in May or a super sleek modern design to match your home’s architecture.  Oh, and don’t forget the landscaping – everyone loves some plants around the mailbox.

#2 – Fix Up the Front Door

Anyone thinking about moving into your house will walk through the front door, so why not make it as appealing as possible?  Spruce it up by giving it a once over with some new paint, or install a brand new door to compliment your house.  If you don’t want to overdo it, just choose a decorative knocker or a potted plant.

#3 – Get Some Lights

People that need to relocate will drive by homes at all times of the day – even in the evening.  So, get some overhead lighting above the front door and near the garage.  If you have a walkway, place some lighting along the edges.  Before you know it, you may be calling the moving company!

Jon Huser