3 Ways to Generate Interest in Employee Relocation

3 Ways to Generate Interest in Employee Relocation

moving officeIf your company is moving to a new location or opening an office in another area, getting your employees to make this move with you can often be a challenge.  Large companies often offer generous relocation perks to those who are willing to move, but smaller businesses may not have the resources to do the same.  Here are three ways to generate intereste in employee relocation.

International Relocation Packages

Relocation packages will differ depending on where the employee is required to move.  For international relocation, your employees may need to obtain a visa.  Part of the relocation package may include assistance with that.  A good international relocation package should also include assistance with learning the culture and temporary housing.

Domestic Relocation Packages

When the company requires a domestic relocation, it is usually easier to deal with.  A good relocation package will include assistance with relocation fees, moving packages, temporary housing, and even spousal support.  You could also help your employees find schools for their children and other social activities.

Extra Time Off

Whether it is a domestic or international relocation, your employees will have to deal with learning about their new surroundings.  A nice thing to include in a relocation package is some extra paid time off to acclimate to the new city.  You may include this as a few days off after the relocation or a week or so before the move to allow for acclimatization.

Katie Steil