5 Tips for Organizing a Rummage Sale

5 Tips for Organizing a Rummage Sale

Rummage SaleWe all could use a little extra money when planning for a move and what better way is there to make a little extra cash for relocation than by holding a rummage sale.  Rummage sales are great ways to get rid of all that clutter instead of packing it up and taking it with you when you move.  Plus, the money you make can be put toward moving expenses, relocation fees, and maybe even hiring a moving company.

While it is exciting to think of all the money you can make simply by cleaning out your closets and garage, quite a lot goes into holding a rummage sale before you move.  So, how can you make the most of the event and get organized?  We’ve put together five of the most helpful tips for you:

  1. Get the Word Out – A couple of days before your rummage sale put up some signs around your neighborhood stating the date, time, and address of the sale.
  2. Advertise It – Place an ad in the local newspaper, online, and on local bulletin boards. The more people that know about your sale in advance, the better.
  3. Sort Your Stuff – Organize all of the items to be sold by category and place everything on tables in your garage the night before.
  4. Set Prices – Mark all items with a price so that shoppers know the cost. Try and be fair with your pricing and remember that people will not pay the original price for second-hand items.
  5. Sell Everything – If you aren’t particularly attached to an item, feel free to negotiate. Take a lower price just to avoid packing!

– Jon Huser