A long distance move with an infant

A long distance move with an infant

Undergoing a long distance move with older children can be challenging.  They have already established friends, understand what a move is all about, and may feel many emotions that cause them to play up.

Infants will understand that something is changing but they tend to be more open to a move, as their relationships are deeper with you.  The downside is that children, especially infants, can be more difficult to handle during a long distance move.

Your baby will want to play and crawl, and can get underfoot.  Placing your baby in their play pen for the entire time you pack might help, but then again they might cry, scream or become unhappy if you leave them there for too long.  Should you let them be roaming around, they could get hurt.  One of the best things to do is take care of your packing while the baby is sleeping.  During naptime you can get a lot more done.  You would have to start your packing and storage of boxes earlier than you might otherwise, but at least your infant will not be harmed as you try and pack.

The next part of your journey will be making that move.  All those boxes you put in storage over the last six months will need to be loaded so you can arrive at your new destination.  Packing enough formula, diapers, games and other important baby items for the long trips need planning too.
