All Souls Day

All Souls Day

All Souls Day is a Christian holiday that takes place on 2nd November every year, except for in those years where the 2nd happens to fall on a Sunday. In this case, All Souls Day takes place on the following day, 3rd November.

All Souls Day is a holiday that remembers the souls of and pays respect to all loved ones and friends who have died.  It is a day on which Christians are encouraged to pray for their souls in order to help them to be accepted into Heaven.  It is believed that souls are not automatically cleansed of sin upon death and that praying for the souls of friends and loved ones will assist with the removing of the stain of sin and then allow their souls to move on past the Pearly Gates.

All Souls Day is a tradition that began many centuries ago, all the way back in the year 998.  Many people will often pray to the loved ones that they have lost and sometimes even ask for special favors for them.

All Souls Day is sometimes referred to under the moniker of Day of the Dead.  Day of the Dead is more commonly associated with Mexico, which actually celebrates on two days on 1st and 2nd November.  The first day is to celebrate the souls of children and infants who have passed on, who are referred to as ‘little angels’ (angelitos), with the second day to honor adults who have died.
