Are You Ready for a New Town?

Are You Ready for a New Town?

So, you’ve decided to relocate, do you know where you are going to move?  In many cases, your career or school may dictate your ultimate destination but some people move simply because they want a chance.  But where do you start?

It is important to start with a blank slate and really think about the relocation.  Getting a piece of paper and asking the following questions is a great way to begin the relocation process.  Take a look:

  • Family & Friends – Who do you want to live near?  What kind of community do you want to live in?  How close do you want to live to your friends and family?  The general constitution of your community will affect your daily life.
  • Lifestyle – Do you prefer a big city or a small town?  The size of the city will have an influence on your lifestyle.  For example, larger cities have more culture – arts, museums, theatre, and so on.
  • Employment – How does your current job fit into the relocation scheme?  Will you change careers?  What about your spouse?  Where do you see yourself working?
  • Transportation – How do you prefer to travel?  If you love public transportation, maybe you’ll want to move to a larger city with a good transit system.  If you can’t imagine living without your car, a smaller town may be good for you.

Of course, these aren’t the only things you should think about when you consider moving to a new town.  But, this is a good place to start!  Happy moving and good luck!

Lance Grooms