What You’ll Need That First Day at Your New Home

What You’ll Need That First Day at Your New Home

Packing up your house is always a challenge, but when it’s done, boy, what a relief! However, there are some things to remember so that you’re ready that first day in your new home.

When everything is packed up and ready to load into the moving truck, make sure that you keep the items you’ll need the first day separate. This way, they can be loaded into the moving truck last – that makes them the first to be unloaded!

Another useful tip for being ready for that first day in your new home is to keep some of those essentials with you. You could even go as far as preparing a simple meal that you can simply heat and serve picnic-style in the kitchen!

Here are some additional tips and tricks you might want to keep in mind:

  • For everyone in your family, you will need a change of clothes, any important medications, a toothbrush, basic toiletries and a towel.
  • You’ll need enough utensils for each person for that first meal – don’t forget the forks, knives, spoons, plates, cups and napkins.
  • Don’t forget the toilet paper!
  • A small toolkit is always helpful.
  • Clean sheets are a must-have.

If you need some ideas on how to properly load your moving truck or pack up your house, feel free to search through our blog.  We’ve got a lot of tips and tricks for anyone planning for a move!  If you want expert advice, contact myBMS Moving & Storage.

Lance Grooms