Arnie’s son goes to college

Arnie’s son goes to college

In a couple of years, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ex-wife Maria Shriver will be dealing with empty nest syndrome.  On 21st August, the 56-year-old activist and journalist helped her 18-year-old son Patrick Schwarzenegger, her eldest son, with his relocation to his University of Southern California dorm room, where he is set to begin freshman classes very soon.  Shriver’s eldest child, 22-year-old Katherine Schwarzenegger, also helped out.

“It’s very different helping boys moving into college compared to two girls,” Shriver, who has two other children, 21-year-old Christina and 14-year-old Christopher, commented on Twitter.  “So much less stuff.  No matching this and that.” Katherine, who graduated university with a degree in communication three months ago back in May, also tweeted that she was “so exhausted from moving Patrick into my old dorm at USC! So freaky and I’m for sure going to be waterworks all day tomorrow!” Patrick, who has almost 61,500 followers on the social media site, had but one concern about his big move.  “Going to be interesting to meet my roommate for the first time,” he tweeted.

Shriver also took a moment on Twitter to reflect on this latest milestone for their family, noting that her son’s first night away from home makes her happy for him but also sad as a mother.

Patrick’s father, former California Governor and Hollywood action star Arnold Schwarzenegger, who separated from Shriver last year, did not help with the move.

Jon Huser