The latest Spider-Man movie was promised more than a year ago. It was supposed to launch in 2011, but it did not. It was one of the most talked about movies at Comic-Con just over a year ago, yet the studio held back the movie release for theaters. Sony has finally announced that the movie will be in theaters on July 3rd. Finally the hard work that Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield went through will be seen on the big screen.
The question most have in their mind is whether it will be a good film or if it will be lacking, since both original actor and actress for Spider-Man and his girlfriend have been changed. First up in theaters though will be The Avengers, with several top actors and actresses playing the top superheroes of comic books. There is plenty of anticipation for both movies.
Emma Stone was recently on a talk show discussing Spider-Man and also a film she is starring in with Ryan Gosling. She was asked about both films, including her relationship with Andrew Garfield who she is rumored to be dating. Emma has certainly become a popular actress in such things as The House Bunny, Zombieland, and The Help. Spider-Man is a new role with it being comic book related over teenager zombie movies, though she did impress with her role in The Help. It was definitely a break out role for her to provide a more serious bent to her acting.
Jon Huser