Family issues and military moving

Family issues and military moving

Moving can be tough on any family.  The great majority of focus concerning a military move will revolve around your personal belongings, but it is important to keep in mind that this relocation is actually all about your family.  Keeping things in perspective is a crucial step in making sure that you can cut down on stress and make the move easier for everyone involved.

Moving can be an emotional experience, especially for young children, as they are less able to deal with the idea of leaving everything that they know behind them.  Whether you like it or not, they are going to look to you so you have to make sure that you keep a positive attitude.  They will pick up on it if you treat the move as though it is a fun adventure.  If they are fearful or sad about the move, it is important not to dismiss these emotions but to listen and provide reassurance that everything will be alright in the end.

When moving in the military with a family, it is vital to keep everyone involved in the relocation process.  Depending on the kind of involvement that your kids will be able to handle, give them things that they can do in order to keep them feeling productively and happily involved.

The great majority of military bases offer free babysitting for families who are getting ready to move, which means that you can get some very valuable and uninterrupted time for packing.
