Global Forgiveness Day

Global Forgiveness Day

Global Forgiveness Day is held on 27th August every year.  This is not to be confused with International Forgiveness Day, which takes place on the first Sunday of August every year.  Forgiveness Day is a day on which people can forgive or be forgiven by others.  It must be a good idea, given that there are two groups that claim Forgiveness Day for themselves during the same month and both of which are international world events.  Certainly, there can be little doubt that there is more than enough strife and trouble in the world, so perhaps having two Forgiveness Days might be a good idea after all.  The sponsors of this day (both of them) just think that people being willing to forgive a bit more would result in the world being a much happier place.

Global Forgiveness Day began 18 years ago back in 1994.  The Christian Embassy of Christ’s Ambassadors created and continues to sponsor the event, with the holiday originally having started in Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada.

International Forgiveness Day, on the other hand, was created by the non-denominational educational foundation the World Forgiveness Alliance.  Robert W Plath of Mill Valley in California founded the day, with the official website stating that “International Forgiveness Day [is] dedicated to evoking the healing power of forgiveness worldwide.”

It is easy to take part in both days just by taking the time to sincerely and publicly forgive someone, which will help to further spread the message of forgiveness.
