Keeping an eye on the number of office moves that occur each year is a bit of a hobby in terms of seeing how many companies feel it is financially helpful to relocate their headquarters.
For example, Hampton Roads Bankshares has announced that it will undergo an office move from Norfolk to Virginia Beach this year. For employees the business relocation may not change too much in their daily routines, other than adding a longer commute. For others there may be a chance to relocate to an apartment or home in Virginia Beach to avoid the longer commute. The company stated that it would continue its commitment to the Norfolk market; it just needs to move its corporate offices to a new building.
A company this large – the ninth largest bankshares company in Virginia, to be exact – will take some time to move and will need to have a significant plan for a successful business relocation. Whenever a business moves, there needs to be a solid plan so that no equipment, office supplies or other items are left behind in the old building. It is best to make an office move in one trip just like any other move. If employees are given instructions in what to pack, what will be moved and when the move will commence, things will run more smoothly. Any office with over 50 employees really needs to follow office move tips and checklists that outline everything for all workers, managers, and owners of the company.
Lance Grooms