Headquarters for Automotive Resource Networks Holdings moving

Headquarters for Automotive Resource Networks Holdings moving

Automotive Resource Networks Holdings has announced that it will undergo business relocation.  It intends on moving its headquarters, including the executive offices, to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  The office move will help centralize its activities in one location rather than several different locations.  The office move is due to be conducted over the next 60 days.

Many of the executives have been given options to follow the business relocation, meaning that they will need to leave behind their old homes and move to Fort Lauderdale.  Some of the employees may elect to remain behind and find new jobs, while others will are likely to take advantage of the relocation help being offered.

The new location is a state-of-the-art training center, outbound call center and customer service call center.  The announcement was made after the company took action to streamline its operations through restructuring.  In the past month it has worked to reduce its debts, decrease authorized shares, and offer a new product launch.

The headquarters move will be made without interrupting the current services, so customers will not feel that they are being held back or worse.  Customers will be able to reach anyone in the company throughout the business relocation and still contact the customer service department when needed.  The company stated that it does not expect any delays or issues with service interruptions, thus assuring its clients that things will run smoothly and board members that funds will not be misused.

Jon Huser