How Not To Pull A Muscle When Packing Boxes

How Not To Pull A Muscle When Packing Boxes

Moving is physically demanding but what may surprise you is that it isn’t just the lifting that puts your body at risk. Executing proper packing techniques is the first step to ensuring a pain-free move. By keeping your body in top shape during the preparation stages, you’ll be able to enjoy an efficient and productive move as a whole.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Pack

Packing is tough on the body and trying to do it all last minute puts a significant amount of stress on your body. Give yourself plenty of time to pack to ensure your body has days to rest in between. It’s recommended to pack your home by gradually progressing from one room to the next, as opposed to trying to pack everything in your home at once.

Pack What You Can While Standing Up

It’s the bending down that makes packing tough on the body. So, a quick way to eliminate backaches and pains is to pack what you can while standing up. Instead of placing the moving boxes on the ground, station them on a table to decrease the number of times you have to bend over. Your back will thank you for this little tidbit in the future.

Avoid Exceeding 50 Lbs. Per Box

While packing your moving boxes, it’s imperative to aim to keep the weight of each box below 50 lbs. to avoid pulling a muscle or risking an injury. Keep this in mind when packing heavier items like books and appliances. Put these in smaller boxes to keep the weight under 50 lbs. It will result in having more boxes to move but you’ll be able to do so quickly, safely and efficiently when following this 50 lbs. rule.

Try Different Types of Packing Materials

Depending on the size and weight of the items you’re packing, there may be a better option for you than the standard moving box. It could be as simple as opting for smaller moving boxes or ordering custom crates for your prized possessions. So, explore the possibilities and think outside of the box.

Practice Proper Lifting

Once you have properly packed your moving boxes, keep the injury-free momentum going by properly lifting the boxes. This is key because you can pack your items perfectly but if you lift them incorrectly, you pose a risk of injury.

As a rule of thumb, always lift with your legs – not your back. Squat down into position and lift the boxes as you extend your legs back to standing position. You may also want to consider using a back brace for extra support.

Use The Right Moving Equipment

With your moving day budget cutting it close, you may be tempted to skip out on renting moving equipment. However, opting for this “shortcut” can actually slow down your moving day significantly, as you do not have the proper tools needed to move efficiently with heavier items.

BMS Moving & Storage includes almost all of the moving equipment in the price, so this one extra charge you don’t have to worry about.

Hire Professional Moving Services

If you’re prone to aches and pains or simply want to avoid the risk altogether, the best option is to avoid packing and lifting boxes altogether. BMS Moving & Storage offers full-service moving professionals who handle all of the packing, lifting, and loading, including the disassembly and reassembly of furniture from start to finish.

Packing doesn’t have to be a pain. With the proper packing techniques, you can enjoy a stress-free move for both your mind and body.