How to make moving more tolerable

How to make moving more tolerable

Moving your possessions from one home to another can be a very tiring ordeal, while trying to lift heavy items such as fridges, tubs or closets is at best inadvisable and at worst completely impossible for a person on their own.  Lifting devices such as cranes can assist with this endeavor, but you will not be able to find them in the average appliance store.

It might seem like a good idea to ask your friends to help you with your move, but it might not be such a hot notion after all.  Even if your friends are eager to help, the fact is that they are just normal people with no competence or license to assist with moving.

The most important priority during relocation is safety.  At the top of your priority list should be your own physical integrity, and this concern needs to be addressed during the planning stage.  No one wants to be injured while trying to move a piano or some other very heavy item.  Also in need of protection are fragile belongings, which should be wrapped in bubble wrap or placed in special containers in order to avoid the unpleasant experience of losing a valuable possession.

Time is a precious commodity and no one wants to drag out a move; however, speed needs to be combined with order and efficiency.  Hasty or reckless decisions can result in disastrous consequences, and in order to avoid these circumstances it may be a good idea to simply hire a professional moving company to do the job for you.

Jon Huser