Huntington service center relocated

Huntington service center relocated

Huntington Service Center offers commercial and industrial electro-mechanical products.  MISCOR is the company name, but it is the Huntington Service Center that will be seeing changes.  The company announced business relocation today.  The office move will occur with its Huntington location in West Virginia.  It is to be located within the city limits of Huntington, but at a new facility.

It is actually the new facility that is most important.  The new facility will be larger and offer more equipment for business to be conducted.  The new facility is also helping the local economy by offering jobs to those in construction.  The employees of the construction company will be able to keep steady employment while they work on getting the building completed.  It is a win-win situation for the company and residents of Huntington.

Employees of MISCOR also do not have to worry about the office move.  Some companies tend to move out of the city or even state, but MISCOR is just moving to a new facility in the same region.  It means that employees will need to help with the business relocation, but they will not have to move homes or worry about relocating their families across the state just to keep their jobs.  MISCOR stated the investment in the new facility is to show how important growth is to them and that they are at a stage where they can successfully grow.  The investment is seen as a worthy option for the coming years.
