Military move to Asia-Pacific

Military move to Asia-Pacific

The US Navy fleet will be repositioning.  Most of its warships are to be in the Asia-Pacific region by 2020.  It seems that the Navy is looking ahead to the problems of the future; hopefully the position will actually stop any issues before they start.  The military move is in response to the US-Chinese troubles that have started quite recently.  There have always been issues with China, but things seem to be worsening now that China has gained some power in recent years.  The US stated that it would put about 60% of its warships in the Asia-Pacific region.

Currently about 50% of the warships are in the area, so the military move is actually adding only 10% of its warships in the next eight years.  The US Defense Secretary stated at the security forum held in Singapore that more warships would move into the area.

Some have considered that this a challenge to China, but the US spokesperson stated that this is not the case.  It is not a challenge.  The US is trying to become compatible with the rest of Asia.  It wants to help with China’s growth and development.  The US wishes to have better terms with Asia all around, like countries that are currently US allies, so that the world can have prosperity as well as a better future.

Still, there is clear information that the move by the military and Washington is made to oppose issues with Beijing in which it may try to gain territorial rights in the South China Sea.  Oil is located in the South China Sea and, of course, Beijing would like to be the powerhouse behind it all.  It would create an imbalance in Asia, as well as for the rest of the world, if China had all of the control.

There is a trip that is meant to last for seven days, with stops in other countries too such as Vietnam and India.  This trip is meant to help any tensions that have sprung up recently as a result of China’s demand to control the South China Sea.  Stops also include the Philippines, which has always been a US ally.

Washington hopes that the trip will provide reassurance to allies in order to counterbalance the growing influence China has in the sea.  It is also hoping to get permanent bases, with treaties signed soon with Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Australia and the Philippines in order to help counterbalance against China.  If the US can partner with India, Indonesia, Singapore and other Asian countries, it could be most helpful in keeping a balance.

Joint drills are going to be held with the allies as a way to keep the countries happy and to provide information that the US military has and other countries do not.  One of the major reasons for the move now is to keep China in check, particularly with concerns that China may side with North Korea rather than its neighbor South Korea.  The turmoil will need to be watched closely, given the current standings.

Lance Grooms