Military ordered to move military newspaper and personnel

Military ordered to move military newspaper and personnel

Stars and Stripes is the military newspaper for troops posted from Bastogne to Long Binh.  The paper also reaches those in Baghdad.  The newspaper has been ordered to relocate from its current headquarters to a place 30 miles away.  The order has come from Congress, which is requesting that the newspaper move for cost cutting efforts.  Military moving may happen with more than just the newspaper, as there is also concern about moving all US troops out of the country.  Negotiations are ongoing as to whether more military moves will occur.

The relocation of the newspaper is just one start to relocation for some of the troops and personnel currently in areas such as Baghdad.  The newspaper relocation will require the 80 members to go to a military base. It will also be saving the military $1 million per year, as it is currently renting the space the newspaper is housed in.  Some of the staff has been ordered to Fort Meade, Maryland, while others will need to consider other locations.

The newspaper has objected to the move, stating that it has editorial independence right now, but this could change if it is on base.  It seems there will be a fight over the move, but given Congress’ endorsement of the change there may be little the staff members can actually do to keep their headquarters.  The newspaper is subsidized with taxpayer funds, but it is also the way overseas forces are able to hear about what is happening at home.

Lance Grooms