Moby Moving Out of Manhattan

Moby Moving Out of Manhattan

Did you know that techno musician Moby is a descendant of Herman Melville?  We didn’t, either.  Long-time resident of New York City, Moby is moving out.  In fact, he’s headed for Los Angeles and the hot Hollywood Hills.

The home Moby set his sights on and moved into was originally listed on the market back in 2008 for $7.5 million.  Moby got lucky and swiped it up for a little under $4 million.  We think that’s quite a bargain, especially when you think about the house itself.

With eight bedrooms, six bathrooms, a pool, and a speakeasy, Moby’s new home is so much more than a house.  It’s actually a castle.  And it even has a great castle-type name – Wolf’s Lair.  The estate, which Moby moved into earlier this year, is named after the original owner, L. Milton Wolf.

Wolf’s Lair has had many a famous inhabitant – Marlon Brando, The Beatles, and now Moby.  Though the house was majestic before Moby purchased it, he’s made several interesting changes since he relocated from the Big Apple.  Most of his changes have brought out the original details from when the house was built – the 1920s.

With spectacular views of the city and Hollywood sign, Wolf’s Lair is a true Hollywood home.  Filled with the dazzle of the stars, we wonder who will own the house after Moby decides to move out.  Who knows, maybe he will end up keeping it forever.

Lance Grooms