Moving for a new job

Moving for a new job

In a world where good jobs sometimes seem to be incredibly hard to come by, more and more people are starting to look outside the city in which they currently reside in order to find work.  The workforce mobility association Worldwide ERC says that its member companies spent as much as $10 billion on corporate relocation in the United States in 2011, which works out at over 216,000 domestic transfers.

Of these transfers, around one-third were related to the relocation of new hires, which shows that employers are more than willing to move the right people in order to put them into the right job.  Often it is the case that such a move can result in new opportunities not just for you but also for your partner and family.  While there will be undoubtedly be a number of challenges to face along the way, the ultimate pay-offs might just outweigh any risks involved.

If you are considering moving for the sake of your career then one thing you should bear in mind is the importance on keeping your mind focused on the big picture.  Decide where you would like your career to go as well as at where your significant other is in their career, and make a joint decision as to which cities you would be prepared to move to.

If you making a move entirely for the sake of a new career opportunity, it is best to work with your organization on moving expenses or try to have your salary inflated in order to compensate for the extra expense of moving.

Lance Grooms